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Moss Environmental and OzEnvironmental merged as of June 2023,
with all OzEnvironmental staff moving to the Moss Environmental company.

Helen Quade Advisory

Helen Quade LLB. B.Com | Director

“Roseneath”, Trundle NSW, 18 May 2019

I first came into contact with Warwick when he telephoned me to discuss a proposed mine in my neighbourhood. I had heard from my neighbours that I “must speak with this man” about the issues we, as a community, are facing, so my expectations were high before we spoke.

Over the past two years of knowing Warwick, those initially high expectations have been wildly exceeded.

I immediately felt at ease speaking with Warwick and being in his company. Warwick has a way of expressing himself which exudes understanding, empathy, purpose and hope. He drills down on the important issues quickly and relays them using plain language, so as to be easily understood by all members of our diverse community group.

Warwick’s knowledge of the legal, political and procedural contexts associated with the development approval process is vast and impressive. Across all of the complicated material we grappled with week after week Warwick was technically brilliant, persistent and thorough.

The breadth of his practical experience and know-how assisted our community group enormously in our interactions with the Department of Planning, the Independent Planning Commission, and also with each other.

Warwick’s co-ordinating approach helped us to support each other in our community. Warwick’s deep understanding of rural life helped us to distil the most important issues from mountains of technically complicated data and assisted us to address those issues in ways which left us feeling empowered and confident of meeting the challenges we face.

Only with Warwick’s assistance, advice and support have we managed to secure some great outcomes through the planning consent process which have given our community members real confidence that our future enjoyment of our properties, as well as their economic value, will endure.

Warwick’s personal investment in and passion for our cause went far beyond the reasonable invoices our community group received for his assistance. His pursuit of a fair-go for the average ‘Joe’ is relentless. Warwick has become a dear friend and mentor to me. He is a level headed and generous sounding board, quick to respond to a call or an email, and unfailingly professional and helpful.

I simply cannot recommend Warwick highly enough.

Phillip Harley

Private Client

Nymagee NSW, 22 March 2022

My wife and I, along with my parents, own and run a property in Western NSW.

In 2018 a mining company sought permission for a land access agreement to explore on our land. They provided us with an agreement which allowed them to carry out various tests in targeted areas. These tests revealed promising results. As the results became better and better the mining company sought a new agreement which would allow them to enter a phase of developing a mine. Unfamiliar with what was involved, we sought expert advice. We were fortunate enough to be told about Warwick Giblin of OzEnvironmental Pty Ltd.

We engaged Warwick to lead negotiations with the miner. Warwick gathered every bit of information possible on the proposed plans the miner had for our property. All correspondence and all the negotiations Warwick worked on were discussed and explained to us in detail so that we were never left in the dark and if we had any concerns over something, Warwick was always available to talk things through. He always sought our opinion on decisions, as ultimately we would be the ones left “holding the baby”.

Warwick’s extensive knowledge in this field is quite remarkable but it’s his passion and his dedication in striving to get a fair and reasonable result for us, that was most humbling. He genuinely cared for us and worked hard in securing a satisfactory outcome. In my opinion, and on behalf of our family, Warwick went well above and beyond what he had to for us and we are eternally grateful.

I would happily endorse Warwick as an advocate for anyone requiring his services.

Christine McIntosh BA LLB (ANU)

Special Counsel

Mallesons Stephen Jaques NSW, 6th June 2011

Over a period of eight years Warwick Giblin played a key role supporting The Hub Action Group’s campaign to achieve a more sustainable and environmentally appropriate waste management strategy for Central West NSW.

Warwick has an in depth knowledge and understanding of the waste management industry and the planning and political systems. Above all, he has a real passion for sustainable outcomes and a genuine concern for his client’s interests.

His strategic advice gave a small community group the confidence to tackle complex technical and political issues. Our team effort achieved success through delivery of a landmark judgment in the Land & Environment Court handed down by Preston CJ, and, ultimately, changes to the NSW planning guidelines for waste management facilities.

Freda Nicholls

Vice Chair

Gundagai Community Environmental Impact Group, 19th September 2016

OzEnvironmental came into our fight against a Landfill expansion at the most fortuitous time, and in hindsight if we were faced with a Development Application again, Warwick would be our first port of call.

He helped us through strange terminology and government procedures, advising us of what each step should be and how to carry them out in a succinct and informative manner, causing us all to breath a sigh of relief.

He is caring, considerate and his knowledge of planning and waste management saved us many a heart ache as we successfully worked through and halted the Application to expand the Landfill through the Joint Regional Planning Panel, with Warwick speaking on behalf of our group.

I would happily recommend Warwick to anyone finding themselves in the same situation, and thank him for his ongoing support.

Jackie French

Australian Capital Territory Children’s Ambassador | 2011 National Literacy Ambassador

Araluen Valley NSW, 1st July 2011

During 2010 and 2011 Warwick Giblin has been and still is guiding our campaign to ensure suitable preliminary studies and safeguards for gold mine and ore processing proposed near the Araluen Valley, NSW.

Warwick’s knowledge of departmental, legal as well as environmental issues and the breadth of his experience and contacts in the industry has been invaluable as he has guided us through what can be convoluted and daunting processes.

He is unfailingly patient, both with overworked bureaucrats and emotional clients seeing their land at risk, knowledgeable, with an ability to ferret out information and contacts, as well as clearly present the pros and cons of various possible courses of action. It is impossible to praise his work with us too highly.

The Hon Ian Coleman SC, BA, LLB, MA, MSAgr

Barrister at Law | Adjunct Professor, School of Law University of Western Sydney

Culwulla Chambers, Sydney, 13th April 2015

Over the past four years, I have interacted closely with Warwick Giblin on the challenges faced by rural landholders in protecting their interests in the face of major mining and energy projects. These challenges range from impacts on physical resources, particularly water and prime agricultural land, to land access, environmental remediation provisions and compensation.

The challenges also extend to the adequacy of legislative regimes, and regulatory policies which underpin, or are intended to underpin, protection and management of natural resources, agricultural land use, justice and equity, freedom of speech, and fair and reasonable engagement by individual landholders on major industrial projects, in the context tensions between the interests of rural landholders, big business, and government, through both its elected and non-elected agents.

Warwick has demonstrated a deep knowledge and understanding of the rural sector, and planning and political systems. Moreover, Warwick has a real passion for sustainable outcomes, and palpably genuine concern for the interests of those he represents. Importantly in my view, Warwick manages a rare and commendable balance between competing, but legitimate, interests, which enormously enhances the credibility of his advice and guidance.

Warwick’s strategic advice is well researched, methodologically sound, and factually soundly based, but, in my experience of him, Warwick is able to provide under-resourced, and potentially disempowered rural communities with the confidence to confront the complex technical and political issues which attend the challenges they face. This, in my opinion, sets Warwick apart from, and above, many similarly qualified and experienced experts in his field.

Working with Warwick has been a pleasurable experience, professionally and personally. Apart from his obvious high ethical standards, and exhausting work ethic, Warwick empathises readily with people from all walks of life. Not insignificantly in my view, all of the contact I have had with Warwick has been in a voluntary pro bono context, with no direct or indirect prospect of pecuniary benefit, a matter which further enhances my esteem for him.

Des Ward

Wardlee Pastoral Co

Tullamore NSW, 17th March 2022
When a mining company came to us to sign an access agreement, which covered an exploration licence, we sought advice from Warwick Giblin, OzEnvironmental Pty Ltd. Through Warwick’s professionalism and knowledge of the mining industry we were able to negotiate an access agreement that protected us and our property. It gave us confidence that the work conducted by the mining company would be in accord with best practice standards and enabled us to receive just compensation.

Steve Loane

General Manager

Warrumbungle Shire Council, 8th January 2016

Warwick Giblin has been engaged by Warrumbungle Shire Council over the past three years to provide technical and strategic advice on the proposed Cobbora Coal Mine and the proposed Liverpool Range Wind Farm.

Warwick reviewed the adequacy of the environmental assessment reports, assisted Council in negotiations with the proponents on Voluntary Planning Agreements and in liaising with State Government officials.

With Council’s backing he was instrumental in gaining Planning Assessment Commission support for a special Socio-economic Assessment of the 46,000 ha land purchase by Cobbora Holding Company which demonstrated a significant adverse impact on the Dunedoo community.

Warwick is a true professional, working seamlessly with Council management and delivering high quality work with integrity and passion.

Owen Hasler


Gunnedah Shire Council, 26th August 2012

Warwick Giblin was engaged by Gunnedah Shire Council to review the adequacy of the environmental impact statements for two major coal projects, to advise on negotiations in securing Voluntary Planning Agreements with the mine proponents and to ensure that conditions of project approval would protect the interests of residents and ratepayers.

Council was delighted with the outcome. Warwick was very knowledgeable and professional in his approach, demonstrating considerable technical and strategic skills. His efforts involved extensive dialogue with elected officials, executive management, company personnel and the Department of Planning & Environment.

Mike Logan

Chair (2015-2016)

Cadia District Enhancement Project, 3 January 2018

I have worked with Warwick Giblin of OzEnvironmental over the past three years, the first of those as Chair of the Cadia District Enhancement Project (CDEP). Throughout that time, I was a member of the CDEP Telecommunications Committee, charged with working towards eliminating severe blackspots in our local phone and internet coverage. Through Warwick’s tutelage, experience, insight, people management and extensive network engagement, we have been successful in gaining approval for two new communications towers in our local district; a truly remarkable outcome.

Warwick’s involvement and active participation in the campaign achieved what would have been nigh on impossible for us working alone. Warwick’s ability to quickly identify core issues, develop strategy around those issues and his rapid mobilisation of a highly effective contact network provided us with results we could not otherwise have imagined.

Warwick has been notable as constantly available, easily contactable, well informed and enduringly focussed on the task we had allocated to him. I felt always that he was aware of the commercial and personal imperatives surrounding the project and he worked well with everyone in our team while comfortably accommodating the concerns of other stakeholders in the project.

I have no hesitation in recommending Warwick and his team at OzEnvironmental to projects that require similar expertise and application.

Anne Kennedy

President Artesian Borewater Users Association | Committee GABAG (Great Artesian Basin Advisory Group)

President Great Artesian Basin Protection Group, 8th July 2016

Warwick has given me immeasurable support for many years. His contacts in all areas (both government, industry and departmental – and also the other side of the coin, environmentalists, farmers and those against mining) is enormous – and it is a measure of the man that he is held in the highest esteem by all. The deep respect and admiration he gets from everyone he deals with, shows this. The breadth of his knowledge is profound, his patience and skills in resolving issues unequalled.

He is unfailingly courteous, perceptive and patient – and can see instantly to the core of the problem – and help to resolve it. On so many occasions Warwick has guided me in the right direction, and given me invaluable advice on how to deal with a situation – I would have been lost without his “wise counsel”. He has been a rock for so many of us, as we struggled through stormy seas.

To have such a professional, and such an expert, “on our side” – is an enormous advantage that has helped so many, and resolved many problems.

As Jackie French said, it is impossible to praise Warwick’s work highly enough. And for me, it is impossible to thank him enough for all his invaluable help and support over the past years.

John How

Limestone Valley

Mole Creek Tas, 23rd January 2016

Seven years ago a mining company approached me with an unreasonable offer to purchase some of my land and a subsequent offer to lease a section. Last year the mining company applied for a further exploration licence over this land. A previous mining licence expired because we could not come to an agreement on terms and conditions.

During this time I was using my solicitor with advice from a geologist.

I objected to this latest application based on their past performance and treatment of me. Through a mutual acquaintance I was put in touch with Warwick. Up to this time it had cost me many thousands of dollars in legal and other fees.

With Warwick’s help and approach to the problem we were able to recover the majority of these costs. An apology was also received from the mining company for the manner in which I had been treated in the past. As part of Warwick’s negotiations he has obtained agreement that an independent arbitrator will be appointed and all future associated costs will be covered by the mining company.

Without Warwick’s knowledge and negotiation skills we would not have achieved such favourable results. He’s like a dog with a bone until a result is achieved.

I found him easy to communicate with and I was very comfortable with him. In future I will be calling on his skills in any further negotiations and can highly recommend Warwick for his professional approach and easy manner.

Paul & John Baxter


Forbes, April 2012

We needed help to get just compensation for a proposed new power line that is to run across our land. Warwick filled the bill perfectly!

His negotiation skills were excellent, he was terrific to work with and delivered a great result. We couldn’t be happier.