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ASEA Research – Illegal dumping and improper disposal of asbestos: Local government interventions survey

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The Asbestos Safety and Eradication Agency (ASEA) have commissioned Heartward Strategic to gather evidence to support councils to develop successful asbestos interventions more easily. The aim of this research is to learn from councils by collecting and analysing information about strategies, programs, initiatives and campaigns, to uncover best practice examples, share information and lessons learned, and develop a toolkit freely available for use by all councils.

One method that has been adapted in this research is the completion of a survey by local councils. The survey is voluntary and will take approximately 10-15 minutes with the option to upload any relevant intervention materials. The survey has launched on 11 April 2022 and will be open until 3 June 2022.
Early findings from the research will be presented at the Asbestos Safety and Management Conference 19-20 May 2022. Then later in 2022, a Toolkit will be produced and made freely available for councils to share learnings and increase effectiveness of interventions to reduce illegal dumping and improper disposal of asbestos across Australia. Click the hyperlink below to complete the survey.

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