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Environmental management support and compliance

Understanding your environmental management requirements and ensuring good practices is critical to managing the environmental impact of a development and a requirement of Federal and State planning and environmental laws. We partner with our clients to provide a fit-for-purpose, solution based service to monitor, systemise and improve environmental practice. Our team has over ten years of construction based experience working as field based members of construction project teams as well as an additional ten years as consultants.
Environmental Management Support and compliance

Details -

Our team of highly credentialed professionals hold accreditations as Certified Professional in Erosion and Sediment Control (CPESC), Infrastructure Sustainability Accredited Professional (ISAP) and Certified Environmental Practitioner (CEnvP).

We work with clients on: government; infrastructure – roads, rail, utilities; energy – renewables; manufacturing; mining – coal and quarries.

Our team has successfully completed many environmental assessments and approvals across NSW, QLD and WA.

To find out more about our projects, click here.

List of services

  • Environmental management plans
  • Environmental monitoring programs
  • On-site support through secondment
  • Annual reports
  • Environmental auditing
  • Erosion and sediment control inspections
  • Due diligence
  • Independent environmental audits
  • Environmental licence and permit applications.

Work with us

Moss Environmental can help you meet your regulatory requirements while ensuring that your projects are environmentally sound.

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We work across a range of public, commercial and industrial projects, implementing effective environmental monitoring plans and strategies.

Regardless of what phase your project is in, we can help to ensure that all of the required regulations are met and that your environmental impact is minimised.


Construction Phase


Operational Phase