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Environmental support and secondment

We work with our clients to ensure that their teams are suitably supported in environmental matters. Our clients, for regular in-house environmental secondment include Joint Organisation of Councils, Mining, Government – TfNSW and Construction contractors.
Environmental Support and Secondment

Details -

Engaging an environmental consultant on a short-term basis to work in-house with your team can be a cost effective solution over employing. Our secondment ready staff have expertise in a range of environmental areas of expertise and many years experience working as part of our client teams.

Work with us

Moss Environmental can help you meet your regulatory requirements while ensuring that your projects are environmentally sound.

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We work across a range of public, commercial and industrial projects, implementing effective environmental monitoring plans and strategies.

Regardless of what phase your project is in, we can help to ensure that all of the required regulations are met and that your environmental impact is minimised.


Construction Phase


Operational Phase